What is ADHD?

For information on Learning Disabilities, click here.

Check out the following videos for an overview of ADHD, the myths, and how it affects people in their daily lives.

ADHD is a disorder that involves problems with:

  • Attention
  • Organization
  • Impulsivity
  • Self-control

We all get distracted and procrastinate at times, but kids and adults with ADHD have more severe and more frequent problems in these areas. ADHD is most likely a brain-based disorder and the best evidence indicates that it starts in early childhood. In fact, part of the definition is that the symptoms are present in childhood.

For more of the science behind ADHD, I recommend reading from Dr. Russell Barkley which you can find here.

Click here to download my Tip Sheet for ADHD

Quick tip: on a Mac you can have your computer read it to you. Select the text you want read, then go to Edit, Speech, Start Speaking.

Contact me here to find out about scheduling an appointment for therapy or an assessment.